Writings of Nino Frank:

1924 to 1949

Original stories

'Il sacco vuoto', Il Mondo, June 1925

'Goût d'égout', "900", Cahier 2, Winter 1926-27

'Il mantello rosso', "900" Nuova Serie, August 1928
(also in French in Variétés, December 1928)

'Samuele Pallas e la sua felicità'( as Enrico Rossi), Solaria, September/October 1928
Anthologie de la nouvelle prose française (Ed., with Philippe Soupault), 1926
Letteratura francese di ieri e oggi, Alpes, 1928/9

L'Oreille noire', Ric et Rac, 29 October 1932

La Femme de la nuit, Pour Vous, October-December 1934

'Le Buveur émerveillé', 1939 (theatrical work, text published 1948)

‘Je ne voulais pas être la princesse de ses rêves’, Pour Elle, no.16, 27 November 1940

‘La revanche de Samson’, Pour Elle, no.59, 24 September 1941

Un Coup de foudre’, Cinévogue, 30 April, 1948

Translations from French into Italian

Max Jacob, 'Le Nom'/ 'Il Nome', 1924

August Strindberg, 'Till Damaskus'/ 'Verso Damasco' (from German), 1924

Alfred Jarry, 'Ubu Roi'/ 'Re Ubu', June 1926
Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, 'L'Empereur de Chine'/ 'L'Imperatore della Cina', December 1926  (both performed at Bragaglia's Teatro degli Indipendenti in Rome)

Joseph Delteil, 'Jeanne d'Arc'/ 'Giovanna d'Arco', 1926

Pierre Mac Orlan, 'La Maison du retour écœurant'/'La casa del ritorno stomachevole', 1926 (translation published in Novella magazine, Anno VIII, 1926)

André Salmon, 'Prikaz'/ 'Prikaz' (fragment), 1926

Pierre Mac Orlan, 'Le Chant de l'Equipage'/ 'Il Canto dell'Equipaggio', Alpes, 1927

Maurice Dekobra, 'Flammes de velours'/ 'Fiamme di velluto', 1928

Pierre Mac Orlan, ‘Le Rire jaune’/’Il Riso giallo’, Maia, 1929

Translations of Bontempelli into French (in collaboration with Philippe Datz)

'Io in Africa'/ 'Moi en Afrique', Gazette du Franc, 27.2.26, p.11

'Per la Storia del Teatro Danese'/ 'Pour servir à l'histoire du théâtre danois', Gazette du Franc, 31.2.26, p.11

'Cataclismo'/'Cataclysme', Revue Européenne, March 1926, pp.24-30

'Un anima in un bar'/ 'Une âme dans un bar', Nouvelles littéraires' 19.6.26, p.5

'La macchina per contemplare'/ 'La machine qui sert à contempler', Revue de Genève, August 1926, pp.155-163

'Quasi d'amore'/ 'Presque d'amour', Revue nouvelle, 15.11.26, pp.11-26

1950 to 1987


Petit Cinéma sentimental, La Nouvelle Édition, 1950

Cinema dell’Arte, Bonne, 1951 (written in French)

Montmartre, ou Les Enfants de la Folie, Calmann-Lévy, 1956

Mémoire brisée, Calmann-Lévy, 1967

Le Bruit parmi le vent, Calmann-Lévy, 1968

10.7.2 et autres portraits: Souvenirs, Maurice Nadeau, 1981

Art Exhibition

‘Séraphine de Senlis’, Catalogue of Artist’s Exhibition, 1962 (see further details of Frank’s text and full translation under heading ‘Translations from French’)

seraphine exhibition
Translations of Italian novels into French
Vitaliano Brancati

Italian title: Paolo il caldo (1955)
French title: Les ardeurs de Paolo; Publisher: Laffont; Earliest ed found: 1959

Italo Calvino

Italian title: Rosmarina (1956)
French title:  Romarine;  Publisher: Nathan;  Earliest ed found: 1980
Also in: Fiabe italiane (1956)
French title: Contes populaires italiensPublisher: Denoël; Earliest ed found: 1980-4
Also in: Orlando furioso (from Ariosto) (1970)
French title: Roland furieux; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1982

Achille Campanile

Italian title: L'Eroe 1976; French title: Le Héros; Publisher: Denoël; Earliest ed found: 1977

Federico Fellini

Italian title: Intervista sul cinema 1983;  French title: Fellini par Fellini; Publisher: Flammarion; Earliest ed found: 1987

Beppe Fenoglio

Italian title: Una questione privata 1963; French title: Une affaire personnelle; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1978

Carlo Gozzi

Italian title: Memorie inutile 1797; French title: Mémoire inutiles; Publisher: Eds Rencontre; Earliest ed found: 1970

Guerra e Malerba

Italian title: Millemosche 1969; French title: Millemouches; Publisher: Denoël; Earliest ed found: 1972

Gina Lagori

Italian title: Tosca dei gatti 1983; French title: Tosca des chats; Publisher: Luneau Ascot; Earliest ed found: 1985

Gavino Ledda

Italian title: Padre padone, l'educazione di un pastore 1975; French title: Padre padrone,  l'éducation d'un berger sarde; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1977

Curzio Malaparte

Italian title: Il ballo al Cremlino 1971; French title: Le bal au Kremlin; Publisher: Denoël; Earliest ed found: 1985

Alberto Moravia

Italian title: Racconti romani 1954; French title: Nouvelles romaines; Publisher: Flammarion; Earliest ed found: 1982

Giovanni Papini

Italian title: Lo specchio che fugge 1975; French title: Le miroir qui fuit; Publisher: Retz-Ricci; Earliest ed found: 1979

Pier Maria Pasinetti

Italian title: Il ponte dell'Accademia 1968; French title: Le pont de d'Accademia; Publisher: Calmann-Lévy; Earliest ed found: 1970

Cesare Pavese

Italian title: Primo che il gallo canti 1949; French title: Avant que le coq chante; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1953
Italian title: Ciao Masino 1968; French title: Salut Masino; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1973

Giuseppe Pontiggia

Italian title: Il giocatore invisibile 1978; French title: Le joueur invisible; Publisher: Nadeau; Earliest ed found: 1985
Italian title: Il raggio d'ombra 1983; French title: Le rayon d'ombre; Publisher: Nadeau; Earliest ed found: 1988

Salvatore Satta

Italian title: Il giorno del giudizio; French title: Le jour du jugement; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1981
Italian title: La veranda 1977; French title: La véranda; ; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1989

Alberto Savinio

Italian title: Achille innamorato 1938; French title: Achille énamouré; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1979
Italian title: Tutta la vita  1945; French title: Toute la vie; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1975

Leonardo Sciascia

Italian title: Candido, ovvero un sogno fatto in Sicilia 1977; French title: Candido, ou un rêve fait en Sicile; Publisher: Nadeau; Earliest ed found: 1978
Italian title: Nero su nero 1979; French title: Noir sur noir; Publisher: Nadeau; Earliest ed found: 1981

Orfeo Tamburi

Italian title: Malaparte come me 1980; French title: Malaparte à contre-jour; Publisher: Denoël; Earliest ed found: 1979

Juan R. Wilcock

Italian title: Il caos 1960; French title: Le chaos; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1982
Italian title: Il tempio etrusco 1973; French title: Le temple étrusque; Publisher: Gallimard; Earliest ed found: 1982

Cesare Zavattini

Italian title: I poveri sono matti 1937; French title: Les pauvres sont fous; Publisher: Julliard; Earliest ed found: 1965
Italian title: Lettera da Cuba a una donna che lo ha tradito 1967; French title: Lettre de Cuba à une femme qui m'a trompé; Publisher: Denoël;  Earliest ed found: 1967
Italian title: Diario di cinema 1967; French title: Cinéparoles; Publisher: Denoël; Earliest ed found: 1971

Articles in Journals

This list covers the period from 1923 to 1960, when Frank's regular work as a reviewer ceased.  From then on, he was engaged mainly in radio writing and production, and in translations of significant 20th Century Italian authors.  Almost all of these recordings and texts can be found at the Bibliothèque Nationale Française:  website www.bnf.fr.

There are too many articles from 1923 to 1960 to list them individually – at least 1000 in Pour Vous alone, for example – but footnotes give reference details for all those quoted in my text.

Il Mondo
Il Libro
Il Secolo XX
Renaissance d'Occident
Vient de paraître
Der Querschnitt (Berlin)
Il Baretti
Gazette du Franc
Corriere della Sera
La Fiera Lettararia
Nouvelles littéraires
"900" [Novecento]
Revue européenne
Revue de Genève
Revue nouvelle
1928: La gaceta literaria (Madrid)
Pour Vous
Revue hebdomadaire
Revue mondiale

L'Art vivant
Cahiers de Belgique
Pour Vous
Ric et Rac

Les Nouveaux Temps
Pour Elle
L’Écran français
Formes et Couleurs
La Revue du Cinéma

Mercure de France
Il Mondo
L’Âge du Cinéma
Cahiers du Cinéma
Gazette des Lettres